SDM   Seed-based d Mapping
formerly "Signed Differential Mapping"
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Statistics converter


One-sample t to z Online converter of one-sample t-test t statistics into z statistics.
One-sample p to t Online converter of p values into one-sample t-test t statistics.
One-sample z to t Online converter of z statistics into one-sample t-test t statistics.
Two-sample t to z Online converter of two-sample t-test t statistics into z statistics, assuming equal variances in both samples. The number of covariates used in the analysis might be introduced for better accuracy.
Two-sample p to t Online converter of p values into two-sample t-test t statistics, assuming equal variances in both samples. The number of covariates used in the analysis might be introduced for better accuracy.
Two-sample z to t Online converter of z statistics into two-sample t-test t statistics, assuming equal variances in both samples. The number of covariates used in the analysis might be introduced for better accuracy.

One-sample t to z converter

t statistics:

Size of the sample:

z statistics:

One-sample p to t converter

p values:

Size of the sample:

t statistics:

One-sample z to t converter

z statistics:

Size of the sample:

t statistics:

Two-sample t to z converter

t statistics:

Size of the first sample:

Size of the second sample:

Number of covariates:

z statistics:

Two-sample p to t converter

p values:

Size of the first sample:

Size of the second sample:

Number of covariates:

t statistics:

Two-sample z to t converter

z statistics:

Size of the first sample:

Size of the second sample:

Number of covariates:

t statistics: